Social Media Marketing

Adding quality content to your website is important, but it’s not everything. You need to put that content if front of your customers. To get you the best results, it is important to create shareable and valuable content on the social media sites and do it consistently. Part of our SEO strategy is to promote you through social platforms
Our approach at Sunrise Web Marketing is different than most Social Media Marketing Firms. Prices for these companies range from $4,000 to $20,000 per month, with the average between $4,000 to $7,000 per month! Since we focus mostly on small local businesses and know that most small businesses can’t afford those prices. For just a few hundred per month we would like to work WITH you in your Social Media campaign. Social Media is very specialized and requires the touch that only a business owner or partner can have. Let us help you get set up and guide you in your Social Media campaign. The creative and professional use of Social Media is one of the best ways to find the customers who are talking about you and your brand.